Discover what Drives you during the MD Experience

Result-oriented working and efficiency go hand in hand with social meaning and job satisfaction.

What we do for the Non-Profit sector

Drives determine what motivates people. Particularly because of financial cuts and the pressure to achieve concrete results, people in the non-profit sector have to be motivated in the right way. We ensure that people remain empowered also in changing circumstances.

Management Drives
The colours

This is what drives say about a(n)

  • Vision
  • People
  • Strategy
  • Structure
  • Focus
  • Mission
  • Shared Vision
  • Cooperation
  • Common target
  • Clear agreements
  • Focus
  • Bonding
  • Wants to analyse, understand, fathom
  • Prioritises people and social bonds
  • Wants to show progress, results and achievements
  • Wants to create certainty and clarity
  • Stands for courage, pace and power
  • Helpful and creates bonds and security
Individual profile

Clearly indicates what drives someone

The MD Profile indicates what drives you and how you use your knowledge and competences. Illustrated in 4 recognisable graphics and distinguishing positive and negative aspects.

Individual Management Drives Profile
Team profile

See each others’ differences as strengths

The team profile reflects what drives a team and how this team uses its knowledge and competences.

As soon as a team realises that each team member thinks and acts differently, the team can utilise each other strengths.

Group Profile Slider

Call for concrete results
Management Drives helps the organization fulfill society’s increasing demands. Non-profit means that it is not about profit. But if there is one sector where there is most need for concrete results, it is the non-profit sector. The organization and the people in it must respond to that.

Management Drives provides insight into the factors that motivate people and gives organizations tools enabling them to operate more effectively and efficiently and to improve their performance. At the same time, we bear in mind the social function and position, but also the intrinsic motivation of the people working in the non-profit sector. We empower people, in line with the organization’s goal and changing social demands.

What do you want to develop?

Management Drives makes leadership tangible and effective.

We successfully apply our knowledge to both timeless and current themes. What do you want?