Discover what Drives you during the MD Experience
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Individual and Young Adult profiles

Management Drives show that people have dominant thinking patterns and habits. These thinking patterns are the result of drives, which, to a large extent, predict how teachers and Young Adults behave. After this training, you can create mutual understanding and alignment between teacher and student.

The Individual and Young Adults certification provides a sound basis where you learn how you can use Management Drives to improve the interaction between teachers and students.

At Management Drives we strive to ensure that everyone can do their work with pleasure and put their strengths to work. Within the education sector, we strive for an optimal educational climate in which the best (learning) results are achieved, both at individual level and at team and organizational level. The starting point here is the MD education survey. We developed this survey especially for people who work in education.

For pupils/students we have developed the MD Young Adult survey. This is used for pupils aged 13-18 years. This survey is unique in that it gives them, but also teachers and their parents, insight into their specific needs, motivation and learning style. Get the best out of students and teachers through insight into motives.

The method

With Management Drives you will get in-depth understanding of individuals including Young Adults. Practical without excessive simplification. During this course, you become acquainted with the Management Drives model that is based on six drives and free of judgement. With Management Drives, you have a solid foundation to guide Young Adults in their development

Each drive can differ in both sequence and strength. You will learn the essence of each drive, the strengths, and pitfalls. This means a great number of personal profiles and styles are possible. In addition, you learn to distinguish the positive and negative aspects of each drive. All represented in the (Young Adult) MD profile.

For Young Adults

Determine what drives someone and present this knowledge to the recipient in an understandable way. Gain understanding how drives work on a personal level and get skilled in giving advice on further development. You not only master the theory of drives and leadership, but you can also apply the new knowledge in practice.

The course also helps you in your own leadership. You are presented with a mirror because your drives determine how you view someone else’s drives. What will you keep, develop, and let go?

As a Certified Partner, supported by our tools, you enable teachers and students to turn their potential into performance.

Access to the MD Software

As a certified partner you’ll get access to the MD Pro software. In the MD Pro can invite respondents for the MD survey including the Young Adult variant and view the results. The respondents get access to their profile in the MD App.

Details and prices

  • The training takes 5 days
  • The training is intended for teachers, mentors and other education professionals
  • the price depends on your region, contact us for actual price
  • Annual subscription fee for MD Software €400,-
  • Fee per survey, which you can buy in bundles of 10, 20, 50, 100 or more. Prices may vary per region
In brief
  • Guarantees Practical value on the long term
  • Tool to intrinsically motivate young adults
  • Guidance on facilitating interaction between teacher and student
  • Combine Management Drives with the principles of Appreciative Enquiry
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