Discover what Drives you during the MD Experience
Project start-up

Create head start for your Project start-up by truly knowing each other.

No time to get to know each other well

If there is one common characteristic for every project, it's time pressure. There is too little time, too much to do with a diverse group of people. Management Drives ensures that a project starts and runs smooth. People work effectively and pleasurably together.


A successful project starts with a good understanding of the goal, frameworks and of course each other. Project members must get to know each other well, really quick. The sooner they are aware of each other’s strengths and pitfalls, the better the project is set in motion. Management Drives ensures this awareness.

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The colors

This is what drives say about a(n)

  • Vision
  • People
  • Strategy
  • Structure
  • Focus
  • Mission
  • Shared Vision
  • Cooperation
  • Common target
  • Clear agreements
  • Focus
  • Bonding
  • Wants to analyze, understand, fathom
  • Prioritizes people and social bonds
  • Wants to show progress, results and achievements
  • Wants to create certainty and clarity
  • Stands for courage, pace and power
  • Helpful and creates bonds and security
Team profile

See each others’ differences as strengths

The team profile reflects what drives a team and how this team uses its knowledge and competences.

As soon as a team realizes that each team member thinks and acts differently, the team can utilize each other strengths.

Group profile
Individual profile

Clearly indicates what drives someone

The MD Profile indicates what drives you and how you use your knowledge and competences. Illustrated in 4 recognizable graphics and distinguishing positive and negative aspects.

Individual Management Drives Profile

''Within Aegon Netherlands, we see an important combination between people and technology, also towards the future. In this we see an important role for Management Drives.''

Voormalig directeur Aegon Rob Spuijbroek Rob Spuijbroek

Chief People Officer


After everyone is aware of each other’s strengths and pitfalls, a good project team can work together and demonstrate behavior that is appropriate in the situation and towards each other. In order to form and perform as a good team, Management Drives creates and support the necessary movement.


Project teams usually only work together for a short period of time. But even then, the evolution of individuals and teams has to be anchored and sustained. With the Management Drives software and MD app, the project team can embed the new behavior itself to keep on developing individually and as a team.

Self continuously in control

The MD App creates connectivity between teams and colleagues and gives tips & tricks for further development.

  • Effective teams

    Create an effective team, that gets real results and contributes to the goals of the organization. Combine people in your connections and create a team profile. See what gets the team in the flow or what really blocks them.


    Connect with others and take every meeting to a higher level. See how the other communicates and how you can motivate the other. Do you have a similar profile or do you really add something to each other. Get the best cooperation.


    Insight in yourself with the MD profile is the basis, develop behavior that suits everyday situations is what it is all about. Get to work with the tips you will get to practice different behavior.

Effective teams

Create an effective team, that gets real results and contributes to the goals of the organization. Combine people in your connections and create a team profile. See what gets the team in the flow or what really blocks them.


Connect with others and take every meeting to a higher level. See how the other communicates and how you can motivate the other. Do you have a similar profile or do you really add something to each other. Get the best cooperation.


Insight in yourself with the MD profile is the basis, develop behavior that suits everyday situations is what it is all about. Get to work with the tips you will get to practice different behavior.