Experience Management Drives Yourself
Health care

What is more important within a self-managing team in health care? Ability or desire?

What we do for health care

When assembling the ideal self-managing team, it is important to look at diversity in competences and job levels. Whether colleagues are driven to work (with each other) in a self-managing team is rarely addressed in practice. However, we provide insight into whether the teams that are created will get energy from working as a self-managing team.

Management Drives
The colours

This is what drives say about a(n)

  • Vision
  • People
  • Strategy
  • Structure
  • Focus
  • Mission
  • Shared Vision
  • Cooperation
  • Common target
  • Clear agreements
  • Focus
  • Bonding
  • Wants to analyse, understand, fathom
  • Prioritises people and social bonds
  • Wants to show progress, results and achievements
  • Wants to create certainty and clarity
  • Stands for courage, pace and power
  • Helpful and creates bonds and security
Individual profile

Clearly indicates what drives someone

The MD Profile indicates what drives you and how you use your knowledge and competences. Illustrated in 4 recognisable graphics and distinguishing positive and negative aspects.

Individual Management Drives Profile
Team profile

See each others’ differences as strengths

The team profile reflects what drives a team and how this team uses its knowledge and competences.

As soon as a team realises that each team member thinks and acts differently, the team can utilise each other strengths.

Group Profile Slider

Transforming is a serious challenge
Transforming a production-oriented organisation into a client-driven organisation is a serious challenge. Clients want to have customised health care. And the Netherlands wants affordable health care.
More and more organisations regard working with self-managing teams as a cheaper, more successful way of empowering the client with staff. Cheaper, more efficient, more flexible.

However, working with self-managing teams demands a totally different mindset from everyone in the organisation. For the board member, this means the transition from management to leadership. That requires a different approach to motivating people. Letting go, inspiring and keeping a steady course. Here Management Drives can play a supporting role.

“Good leaders motivate people on their dominant drives”

Working with self-managing teams requires:

  • Professionalism
  • `organisational skills
  • cooperative skills
  • willingness to empathise
  • creativity
  • entrepreneurship
  • giving and receiving feedback
  • decision making (together)
  • conflict management

In practice, when assembling the ideal team, we often talk about competences and job level. But whether someone is driven to work in a self-managing team and whether someone derives energy from that, deserves more attention. Here Management Drives can play a supporting role.

Also in allocating roles, such as team player, planner, director, designer, entrepreneur and quality controller, the extent to which a colleague is driven to take on a specific role is very important if they are to fulfil that role well for a longer period. Here again, Management Drives can play a supporting role.

What do you want to develop?

Management Drives makes leadership tangible and effective.
We successfully apply our knowledge to both timeless and current themes. What do you want?