Healthy work pressure creates job enjoyment

Kim Lammers (multiple Olympic and World Champion hockey), Astrid Oostrom (Director Education at Management Drives) and Paul Willemse (Police Academy Professional Specialist Education) engaged everyone with their practical experience.
During the hockey clinic Kim explained in an inspirational way how you handle this theme on the basis of drives. Astrid used a number of practical cases to explain how organisations have achieved successes. Paul engaged everyone in the application within the professional specialist police education.
Hockey clinic with Kim Lammers.
During the hockey clinic presented by Kim Lammers the participants experienced the dynamic of the work environment first-hand. The strengths, pitfalls and attention points emerged visibly. It was amazing, educational, confronting and – most of all – fun!
Everyone was deliberately put under pressure, which made the drives visible more quickly. After a number of reflection moments the participants actively worked with these drives.
“Super fun day, with inspiring speakers. The acquired knowledge was subsequently applied in practice during the hockey clinic”’
From work pressure to job enjoyment
Management Drives is frequently used as a means to help people deal with work pressure differently andmore effectively, by shifting the focus to job enjoyment. On the basis of an individual’s drives, qualities as well as pitfalls emerge, both wishes and complaints. An appreciative leader can see the quality behind the pitfall and the wish behind the complaint. An appreciative leader will pay attention to the other side of the coin and focus on the things he wants to develop in individuals and teams.
Based on the motto ‘whatever you focus on will grow’, Management Drives makes the connection with the strength that comes from the drives. It is an approach for change and development in which people jointly evaluate what works, instead of focusing on what’s going wrong.
It changes the focus from problems to perspective. It converts complaints and criticism into appreciation and desires. This generates the energy, commitment, creativity, initiatives and decisions that are needed to successfully realise changes together.