Management Drives has been scientifically validated by Leiden University
The University of Leiden was commissioned by Management Drives to conduct an independent scientific study on the Management Drives methodology.
They researched criterion validity, or the extent to which the outcomes of an instrument are related to a key criterion (Clark, Foster, Sloan, and Bryman, 2021). This exploratory study investigated whether, according to the participants, the outcomes of the methodology fit their personality and work-related functioning. Do they recognize themselves in their profile? Participants’ judgment was considered an important criterion in this respect.
Results show that participants are generally positive about the Management Drives methodology. 92% of the participants also indicated that they recognized themselves well to very well in their personal profile. The majority of participants also recognized the profile of their colleagues and an MD profile helped to better understand the other person’s behavior. The study concluded that the “criterion validity” regarding recognizability in the personal profile was sufficiently demonstrated.
In the future, the validity of the profile, and the effectiveness of the methodology, could be further investigated using an experimental design.