Concrete and direct
The construction world is a no-nonsense, fuss-free sector. Management Drives and its software works perfectly here. Management Drives highlights the strengths and pitfalls in the organisation, team and individual and the resulting knowledge can be immediately applied. Behaviour, motivation, strengths and pitfalls are discussed without complicated theories, models and soft stuff.
Phases in project management can be easily and practically linked to the insights of Management Drives. The organisation and the team become very aware of the behaviour required for optimal performance.
Practically applicable
Getting to know the Projectstartups (PSU) software is also given extra depth, which produces better cooperation in the team. The software also ensures that everyone has access to the insights and tools provided to enable you to work together better. Management Drives facilitates the practical application of leadership.
Management Drives makes leadership tangible and effective.
We successfully apply our knowledge to both timeless and current themes. What do you want?