Naš softver meri pokretače i otkriva šta motiviše tim ili pojedinca. Razumevanje pokretača je ključno ako želite da se razvijate i utičete na performanse svog tima i organizacije.
Management Drives nudi zajednički jezik zasnovan na šest "boja" kako bi se adresiralo ponašanje i iskoristila snaga tima i svakog pojedinca. Svaka boja predstavlja jedinstveni stil liderstva ili organizacijske kulture i predstavljena je u jedinstvenoj matrici.
Kako to funkcioniše
The colours
This is what drives say about a(n)
Shared Vision
Common target
Clear agreements
Wants to analyse, understand, fathom
Prioritises people and social bonds
Wants to show progress, results and achievements
Wants to create certainty and clarity
Stands for courage, pace and power
Helpful and creates bonds and security
Team profile
See each others’ differences as strengths
The team profile reflects what drives a team and how this team uses its knowledge and competences.
As soon as a team realises that each team member thinks and acts differently, the team can utilise each other strengths.
Individual profile
Clearly indicates what drives someone
The MD Profile indicates what drives you and how you use your knowledge and competences. Illustrated in 4 recognisable graphics and distinguishing positive and negative aspects.
Iskusite Management Drives sami uz pomoć MD iskustva.
Interaktivna online sesija sa jednim od naših stručnjaka.