I started my career in education, where I was looking for what young people need to get the best out of themselves. I retained this foundation when I made the switch to a psychological organisation consulting firm. Here, I gained more in-depth knowledge about human behaviour and the dynamics of group processes.
When I became director of this psychological consultancy in 2004, I came into contact with Management Drives. A whole new world opened up to me. This tool provided answers to questions from clients and ourselves that, until then, we had not been able to answer. Why do people sometimes not do what they are capable of doing? Why do we, as a team, keep running into the same problems? Understanding people’s drives invariably proved to be the start of getting a grip on the development of the individual, the team and the organisation.
I believe in the art and skill of asking questions about the potential of an individual, a team or an organisation, with the aim of allowing that potential to fully blossom. This development philosophy from the school of Positive Psychology (Appreciative Inquiry) says that from someone’s drives both qualities and pitfalls emerge, both wishes and complaints. An appreciative colleague or manager sees the quality behind the pitfall and the wish behind the complaint. An appreciative colleague or manager turns the coin around and pays attention to what he wants to grow in himself, in colleagues and others. Based on the motto ‘what you pay attention to grows…’, I make the connection with the power from the drives. It is an approach to change and development in which people examine together what works instead of what goes wrong. It shifts the focus from problems to perspective. It turns complaints and criticism into appreciation and desires. This produces the energy, involvement, creativity, initiatives and decisions needed to successfully realise changes together.
Director of Management Drives Netherlands
Management Drives Netherlands
Director of Education and Security
Management Drives Netherlands
Director of Education
Corgwell Education, Interim Management and Consultancy
Director Owner
Valkenbosch Consultancy psychological organisation consulting firm
Interim Manager Medical Service
Penitentiary Institution Vught
Location manager recruitment and selection
National Police Academy
Consultant, coach, trainer
Psychological consulting firm
Teacher and Staff positions
Primary and Special Education