by completing the MD survey and create your personal and team profile in the MD app. Meet us at Booth 1819 for a debrief.
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Drives are motivators that predict how a team or person uses their knowledge, skills and competences. The theory of Management Drives is based on the studies of Clare W. Graves (1914 – 1986) and is already automated at an early stage. Graves based his theory on Jung and Maslow. Our six colors each have their own meaning at organization and team level and for someone’s personal leadership.
Management Drives is unique because it makes a connection between:
Management Drives is unique in the use of the Matrix. With the six drives, the Matrix is a unique reflection that may only be used by Management Drives. The Matrix makes it very easy to reflect and connect drives, behavior, cultures and developments. The colors and the applications are easy to remember for the users of Management Drives. This makes the use of Management Drives effective and efficient.
Management Drives distinguishes itself by its applications at organizational level. Drives determine how people act. Drives show which parts of the organizational development naturally receive more or less attention. Each color stands for a step in the development of your organization. All the steps in the organizational development are important. The phase in which an organization finds itself and the context determine where more or less attention should be given.
However, the individual and team profiles determine where the natural attention is focused. This insight means that conscious attention can be devoted to each step in the organizational development, based on the interests of the organization.
Important elements in step 3 are also embedding the direction, strategy and agreements. This is about creating bonds between the individual, team and the organization.
Organizations exist because people work together. The question is just how people work together optimally. How do you ensure that people are optimally motivated, enhance each other and speak each other’s language? Insight into each other’s individual profile is a first step. A team profile gives insight into the drives of a team.
A team profile is a sum of several individual profiles. This identifies the strengths and pitfalls of this team, what motivates and demotivates this team. With this insight it is possible to improve the team’s performance and boost the energy in a team.
An individual profile is the result of the survey software, presented in four recognizable graphics: Logics, Rejection, Energy Balance and Mindset.
Do you want more information about our method? Sign up here for the MD Experience. During this free online session one of our consultants will tell you more about the method and the practical application of Management Drives.
Management Drives makes leadership tangible and applicable.
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