Experience Management Drives Yourself
Management Drives

Discover what drives you, your team and organization

by completing the MD survey and create your personal and team profile in the MD app. Meet us at Booth 1819 for a debrief.

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The colors

This is what drives say about a(n)

  • Vision
  • People
  • Strategy
  • Structure
  • Focus
  • Mission
  • Shared Vision
  • Cooperation
  • Common target
  • Clear agreements
  • Focus
  • Bonding
  • Wants to analyze, understand, fathom
  • Prioritizes people and social bonds
  • Wants to show progress, results and achievements
  • Wants to create certainty and clarity
  • Stands for courage, pace and power
  • Helpful and creates bonds and security

Management Drives theory

Drives are motivators that predict how a team or person uses their knowledge, skills and competences. The theory of Management Drives is based on the studies of Clare W. Graves (1914 – 1986) and is already automated at an early stage. Graves based his theory on Jung and Maslow. Our six colors each have their own meaning at organization and team level and for someone’s personal leadership.

Management Drives is unique because it makes a connection between:

  • Organizational development and culture
  • Team development
  • Individual Leadership

The Matrix

Management Drives is unique in the use of the Matrix. With the six drives, the Matrix is a unique reflection that may only be used by Management Drives. The Matrix makes it very easy to reflect and connect drives, behavior, cultures and developments. The colors and the applications are easy to remember for the users of Management Drives. This makes the use of Management Drives effective and efficient.

Six Leadership styles
leadership style


Taking a wide view
Very future-oriented
Wants freedom in thinking and doing
Content has to be correct

+ Creative
+ Inspiring
+ Giving space

- Theoretical
- Doesn’t provide clarity
- Not engaged in practice

Yellow leadership style Management Drives
Leadership style

People Manager

Social orientation
People are equal
Sensitive to feelings
Looks for cooperation

+ Empathetic
+ Creates bonds
+ Eye for the weaker

- Follows the slowest
- Chats with the group
- Doesn’t make decisions

Green leadership style Management Drives
Leadership style


Competitive attitude
Aimed at goals and success
‘Wanting is being able to’
Wants to be taken seriously

+Always sees new opportunities

-Issues of the day
-Difficulty taking criticism
-Ignores the weaker

Orange leadership style Management Drives
Leadership style


Attached to rules and discipline
Really finishes the work
Attached to fairness
Wants appreciation for work

+ Detailed dossier knowledge
+ Solid
+ Stable

- Too focused on details
- Can come across as inflexible
- Can act formally

Blue leadership style Management Drives
Leadership style


Effective and impatient
Here and now, decides immediately
Respect for strength
Trusts real mates

+ Determined
+ Resolute
+ Communicates directly

- Unpredictable
- Compelling
- Alienates people

Red leadership style Management Drives
Leadership style


Knows modesty
Eye for traditions and rituals
Unwritten rules
Prepared to sacrifice him/herself

+ Creates great commitment
+ Sense of pride
+ ‘Belonging’

- Not very self-critical
- Closed for outside world
- Group think

Organizational development

Management Drives distinguishes itself by its applications at organizational level. Drives determine how people act. Drives show which parts of the organizational development naturally receive more or less attention. Each color stands for a step in the development of your organization. All the steps in the organizational development are important. The phase in which an organization finds itself and the context determine where more or less attention should be given.

However, the individual and team profiles determine where the natural attention is focused. This insight means that conscious attention can be devoted to each step in the organizational development, based on the interests of the organization.

  • Step 1, Purple Yellow:Mission and vision relates to who we are and where we are going. Identity, core values and being proud are expressly linked to the purple drive. Vision, long-term developments, the environment and the broader perspective expressly belong to yellow.
  • Step 2, Orange Red:Strategy and focus, translates mission and vision into concrete strategy and goals to be achieved. We must determine the risks and what we will and will not do. Making choices, focusing.
  • Step 3, Blue Green: Organize and communicate, concerns determining the working method in which we will achieve the formulated goals, what agreements will be made for this and how we ensure that people are and remain connected.

Important elements in step 3 are also embedding the direction, strategy and agreements. This is about creating bonds between the individual, team and the organization.

Team profile

Organizations exist because people work together. The question is just how people work together optimally. How do you ensure that people are optimally motivated, enhance each other and speak each other’s language? Insight into each other’s individual profile is a first step. A team profile gives insight into the drives of a team.

A team profile is a sum of several individual profiles. This identifies the strengths and pitfalls of this team, what motivates and demotivates this team. With this insight it is possible to improve the team’s performance and boost the energy in a team.

  • Group logic indicates what motivates this team, what the strengths and pitfalls are.
  • Diversity shows how different the members of the team are.
  • All plus is what gives the team energy and how it can be motivated.
  • All minus is what takes energy from the team.
Team profile
Team profile

See each others’ differences as strengths

The team profile reflects what drives a team and how this team uses its knowledge and competences.

As soon as a team realises that each team member thinks and acts differently, the team can utilise each other strengths.

Group Profile Slider

Individual profile

An individual profile is the result of the survey software, presented in four recognizable graphics: Logics, Rejection, Energy Balance and Mindset.

  • Logic is the sequence in which someone is motivated.
  • Rejection indicates what disturbs someone.
  • The Energy Balance shows where someone gets their energy from or where they lose energy.
  • Mindset is what possible behavior is demonstrated by someone under pressure.
Individual profile
Individual profile

Clearly indicates what drives someone

The MD Profile indicates what drives you and how you use your knowledge and competences. Illustrated in 4 recognisable graphics and distinguishing positive and negative aspects.

Individual Management Drives Profile

Do you want more information about our method? Sign up here for the MD Experience. During this free online session one of our consultants will tell you more about the method and the practical application of Management Drives. 

What do you want to develop?

Management Drives makes leadership tangible and applicable.
We successfully apply our knowledge to both timeless and current themes. What do you want?